Pres Toby Message – Nov 7

Good Evening.

It has been a month since our last meeting last Oct 10. Since then we have changed the lives of 103 patients and their families. It was a long 2 weeks for all of us. The efforts of the members of the RCCPC, the Rotaplast Team, the volunteers, the help from Adventist Hospital cannot be appreciated enough. From all of them I thank everyone for all their sacrifices.

The reports/liquidations/payments for the Rotaplast Mission should be ready in about 2 weeks. I will be asking Treasurer Larry to give a presentation.

We have now sold our water drilling rig. The sale price was P 900,000.00. There are expenses on PP Benedict Uy’s end of  P11, 289.06 to secure the LTO clearances and fees.  We will be reimbursing him for that from the sale proceeds. The proposal for the funds is to use it for the rehabilitation of the Tejero Elementary School water system that was our previous project.

Speaking of the Tejero Elementary School. We have modified our feeding program. There is a new Principal, Jeralyn Rico. In our discussion we have decided to focus on feeding not only the severely wasted but also the wasted children at Tejero Elementary School. This increases the number of children to a total of 427, and our budget per feeding is now P7,700. Based on the current budget for feeding, the donation from Yokohama Konan and efforts of PP George and Spouse Jojo Hong, we have enough to feed until mid/end of January. Hopefully we can raise enough money to feed the rest of the year. The feeding has also been moved to Wednesdays to be able to feed more children. So if you can visit on Wednesdays please do.

There is a TRF dinner at Marco Polo Hotel this Saturday. All Paul Harris Fellows and Major Donors are invited. The assessment is P1,500 and attire is Black Coat and Tie (white top-shirt) for men and cocktail dress for ladies. Please let us know if you are going so we can reserve you a table.

Christmas season is upon us and let us focus on what we want to do for Christmas. Our fellowship and any gift giving we want to do. Let us think of a project and do proposals during the next meeting.


Thank you and have a good evening.


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